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Lawns Park

Primary School

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To contact the school please telephone our Office Staff on 0113 2637364. 07891274595 is a direct number to contact Mrs Miles should you need support or guidance during the school day.


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Please read our weekly 'What's On?' Newsletter to find out about learning and events at school. Lawns Parkers are resilient learners: we face up to any challenge and we overcome it. Our voice is heard through our class and school council meetings. We love reading and try to read at least three times a week at home. We take pride in our appearance. We are open-minded, tolerant and proud to be who we are. We are authors, mathematicians, scientists, geographers, historians, artists, musicians, Olympians in the making, linguists, designers and deep thinkers. We are a proud Lawns Park team!

Lawns Park Learning Stars

  • F1 Marcella
  • F2 Jack
  • Y1 Charlie
  • Y2 Harley
  • Y3 Wyatt
  • Y4 Ivy
  • Y5 Mason
  • Y6 Nico


  • Foundation Stage 90
  • Year 1 93.3
  • Year 2 93.8
  • Year 3 93.1
  • Year 4 98.6
  • Year 5 95.7
  • Year 6 95

Foundation Stage Open Sessions

Is your child starting school in September?
Lawns Park would like to invite you to take an informal look around our Foundation Stage provision. Please call the school on 0113 2637234 to book your slot on either Tuesday 8th, 15th or 22nd October at 3.45-4.45pm. Our Foundation Stage Team look forward to seeing you then.