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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Year 3

Last updated 18.10.24

Updated for Autumn 1 Week 8


Welcome to the Year 3 class page. This is where we will share important messages with you and share Year 3's learning. 


We had an amazing day on Tuesday for Stone Age Day, scroll down to our picture gallery to have a browse at our learning.



Every day, pupils will need:

-A clear, reusable water bottle. This will be taken home daily to be cleaned and refilled.

-A book bag. This will be stored in your tray.

-PE kit. This should be in a drawstring bag and kept at school for the half term.

-All pupils have a banded reading book which comes home daily.

-Pupils may bring a fresh fruit snack to eat at break. No other snacks please.

PE Day is Thursday.

Library Day is Tuesday.


Friday 25th October- Training Day






Autumn 1, Week 8


Word class: Verb

Definition: Fail to obey (rules, a command, or someone in authority).

Example:   Why must you disobey the rules?








Autumn 1: 




Who will achieve their pen license?

These children have achieved a pen license so far:






 In Year 3, homework will be x3 reads, spelling practice and TTrockstars to practice timestables. Homework is set on a Friday and will be due the following Friday.


Spelling test will be Thursday 24th October 2024

Spellings Week 8:


Children should also complete 20 minutes of Times Table Rockstars as part of their homework.  

Please click link below to access: 





Autumn 1 topics:


ENGLISH: We will be writing a Setting description linked to Stone Age Boy!

MATHS: Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

SCIENCE: Movement linking to Skeltons, nutrition and diet

GEOGRAPHY: Settlements

HISTORY: Stone Age.
























