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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Year 2


Updated 28.6.24

Hello Year 2!

What a fantastic year we have had!

Enjoy the summer holidays. We look forward to welcoming you back in September.




Monday 2nd September - School opens




Please remember to bring your PE kits to school.

Clear water bottles should be brought to school. These will be sent home daily to be cleaned and refilled.






Autumn 1, Week 1




Word class: 












Autumn 1: 

Marci and Oliver


Autumn 2:

Amber and Liliana


Spring 1:

Sophie and Jude


Spring 2:

Martha and Afibiya


Summer 1:

Mariah and Coby




Well done all of you!


Year 2 Pen Licence, well done to these children:






Spelling homework/information


We are using a new phonics and spelling programme in Year 2 this year, so we will be trying some different ways to do our spelling over the first few weeks.


If you need some ideas on how to help your child practise their spellings, check out the image I have uploaded below - this can also be found in your child's homework folder.


Because of the way our spelling units work at school, they are no longer weekly. Most units are 8 days long meaning tests will be incorporated into the 8th lesson. They will be updated on the website at the end of each unit. 


Our next spelling quiz will be: Friday 5th July


These are the spellings for this unit:

We will be doing week 4 spellings again as we haven't finished the unit yet (as of 28/6/24)














Autumn 1 topics:






































