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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Year 2




Monday 6th January - school opens

Friday 24th January - training day

Friday 14th February - school closes for half term




Every day, pupils will need:

A clear, reusable water bottle. This will be taken home daily to be cleaned and refilled.

A book bag. This will be stored in your tray.

To wear PE kit on Thursday instead of bringing in your kit. 

All pupils have a banded reading book which comes home daily.


Spring 1 topics:

Maths - Money + Multiplication and Division.

English - The Titanic - Writing a narrative and a Non-fiction report.

History - The Titanic

Science - Plants

Art - Textiles (Anni Albers)

Computing - Coding (instructions)

PE - Yoga

Music - Rapping

RE - How do we know some people have a special connection to God?











Recognition Awards

Autumn 1

Autumn 2





Homework is set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.

Maths homework: Set Friday 17th January. 

Answers are here:


Spring 1, Week 3


Word class: quick is an adjective.

Definition: to do something with speed.

Example: I couldn't believe how quick the ship moved through the waves.



Spelling homework/information

If you need some ideas on how to help your child practise their spellings, check out the image I have uploaded below - this can also be found in your child's homework folder.


Spring update: Spelling tests will be happening on a Friday each week. Spellings will be sent home on the previous Friday in preparation for the following week's lessons. The sheet sent home will include a picture of each spelling and the word next to them. Please help your child to practise using some of the techniques in the picture above.


Our next spelling test will be: Monday 27th January


This weeks spellings are:





