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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Year 2


Last updated 15.09.24


Monday 2nd September - School opens




Every day, pupils will need:

A clear, reusable water bottle. This will be taken home daily to be cleaned and refilled.

A book bag. This will be stored in your tray.

To wear PE kit on Wednesdays instead of bringing in your kit. 

All pupils have a banded reading book which comes home daily.







Autumn 1, Week 3




Word class: improve is a verb.

Definition: to make something better.

Example: Florence wanted to improve the hospitals.










Autumn 1: 





Well done all of you!


Year 2 Pen Licence, well done to these children:





Homework is set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.


Spelling homework/information


We are using a new phonics and spelling programme in Year 2 this year, so we will be trying some different ways to do our spelling over the first few weeks.


If you need some ideas on how to help your child practise their spellings, check out the image I have uploaded below - this can also be found in your child's homework folder.


We are yet to start spelling tests, as we do review lessons on a Friday of the previous week. During this session, we will be looking to spell many of the words learnt throughout the week - which you can find below.


Our next review lesson will be: Friday 20th September


These are the spellings for this unit:

We are revisiting some spelling patterns from the end of Year 1 over the next few weeks.












Autumn 1 topics:

Maths - Place value and Addition and Subtraction

English - Writing a school council poster, a short description and a narrative.

History - Significant women in history (Nurses)

Science - Animal needs for survival

DT - Mechanisms

Computing - IT all around us

PE - Teambuilding + Fundamentals

Music -

RE - Why do we need to give thanks?






































