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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Lawns Park Primary School welcomes you!


At Lawns Park Primary School we are steadfast in our belief that your child should get the very best from their education. We are determined in our learning and recognise that perseverance is the key to success. Our priority is ensuring that all our children are exposed to a wide variety of experiences in order to widen their perspective of the world and broaden their interests.
At Lawns Park Primary School the child is at the centre of our commitment. We prioritise giving each and every individual an opportunity to have their voice heard. This is a school filled with love, happiness and friendship. We nurture a culture of kindness, respect and responsibility toward one-another. 
At Lawns Park Primary School our local community is extremely important to us. We are consistently looking for opportunities to make use of the community around us whilst, at the same time, ensuring that we are giving something back to the very same community.
Lawns Park welcomes you.
Mr S Chapman




What our parents say about our school (February 2023)



'My child really enjoys school and looks forward to coming on a daily basis. Her reading, writing and phonics has come along exceptionally since starting at Lawns Park.'


'Both my children really enjoy going to school, which is a credit to the environment and staff. I have been very impressed with how well they have developed and continue to develop at this school.'


'My children have been through some incidents at home which the school have helped brilliantly with. Helping to develop them and find ways to deal with issues. All thanks to the teachers.'


'My children have made really good progress and love coming to school. Lawns Park is a lovely school with amazing staff.'


'My son loves it here.'


'Fantastic school, wonderful teachers. They are always there when you need support, not just for school work but for home life too. I recommend this school to anyone. All of my children have attended this school and we are hoping for our granddaughter to go to this school too! All staff (TAs, helpers, admin and caretakers) should be thanked as they all work as a team to make sure all pupils are educated and cared for.' 


'Lawns Park is a fantastic school. My child is very happy and thriving academically. As a parent, I am very happy with Lawns Park.'


'The difference in my child in the year she has attended shows so much. She has come on leaps and bounds and enjoys coming to school to learn. The teachers we have had so far have been helpful and supportive when needed. Thank you!'


'My kids are really happy to come to school. Academically, they are doing great. Overall, I am satisfied by their performance and the school's cooperation.'


'I am very happy with the way all the teachers are helping me raise my child. Fabulous school!'

