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Lawns Park

Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

At our school, we aim to allow all pupils to access a wide variety of activities and sport-based opportunities. We want to inspire a love for being physical active and encourage all our children to live a healthy lifestyle.

In our PE lessons, pupils are given the opportunity to take part and try new skills, applying them to a variety of carefully planned and progressive activities. Through these lessons, we aim to create resilient, creative and confident children who strive to be ambitious and achieve their personal best.

Our curriculum also gives pupils the chance to develop their social, emotional and thinking skills alongside their physical skills. Through assemblies, we promote the effectiveness of living a healthy lifestyle and the positive effects it has on our bodies and minds. 


As well as encouraging everyone to participate in sport, we also provide many extra-curricular opportunities for children to take part in sports, clubs and sporting events. We want to provide our children with the best opportunities we have available, taking advantage of the many links we have with local clubs, schools and sports teams. By working in partnership with these organisations, we give children the necessary skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capacity to be successful in sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary level and beyond. 


Check out some of the amazing sporting things the children of Lawns Park have achieved recently below.






Summer Fixtures












Interested in upcoming events? Click the link above to access the West Leeds School Sport website for more information about what is on offer across the West Leeds area!


