Contact Details
For general enquiries please contact Mrs. Mould, Miss Bainbridge or Mrs. Oldfield in the school office on 0113 2637364
A direct number to contact Mrs. Miles should you need support or guidance.
Mr S. Chapman (Head Teacher, Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
Mrs Dean (Deputy Head, Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
Mrs Miles (Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusion and Wellbeing)
Mrs C Mould (Office Manager)
Miss S Bainbridge (Administrator)
Lawns Park Primary School
Chapel Lane
Old Farnley
LS12 5EX
Telephone: 0113 2637364
Please note: at Lawns Park Primary School, there are parking facilities. There are three clearly marked access parking bays, two of which are situated immediately in front of the main entrance to the school.
To gain entrance to the car park, please buzz at the intercom panel situated on the right hand side of the double gates. Please ring the school if you cannot access the intercom panel and we will open the gates for you.
However, parking space is very limited so you may have to park outside the school car park. Wherever you park, please respect our neighbours and traffic regulations; for example please do not stop off at the entrance to the houses on Chapel Lane or park on the grass verges. Of course, please also respect the yellow zig-zag markings meaning you should not park – or even stop – on them – this is for the safety of our children