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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Year 1

Last updated 21.06.24


What a fantastic year we have had!

Enjoy the summer holidays. We look forward to welcoming you back in September.



Monday 2nd September - School opens




Please remember to bring your PE kits to school.

Clear water bottles should be brought to school. These will be sent home daily to be cleaned and refilled.


Every day, pupils will need:

- A clear, re-usable water bottle.

- Their book bag.

- A coat.

- A PE kit (to be left at school in a drawstring bag).

- Their plastic wallet containing their Little Wandle book, banded book and reading journal.

- Pupils can also bring a fresh fruit or vegetable snack to eat at playtime.



Autumn 1, Week 1



Word class: 











Autumn 1: Luiza and Finley

Autumn 2: Louisa H and Bella

Spring 1: Elliot and Amelia

Spring 2: Frank and Lily

Summer 1: Olivia S and Deacon




Handwriting Super stars: 



Homework is set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.



Children are expected to complete a minimum of 5 minutes of Numbots per week. If children wish to do more, that is amazing and they will receive Track It points for going above and beyond!

New sessions begin on Sunday and run until the following Sunday. 






Please visit and play some of the free games like these ones below. Remember to spot the digraphs/trigraphs, sound talk and blend to read the words. 




Extra challenges:

Download the White Rose 1-Minute Maths app, its free and really good at helping your child to learn and practise arithmetic skills. It has individual one-minute tasks focus on adding and subtracting – and on ‘Subitising’, the skill of instantly recognising the number of items in a group without counting.


If you are looking for extra practise activities, you can use:

- White Rose 1 minute maths app

- Practise orally counting forwards and backwards in 1's and 10's within 20

- Play number games involving numbers/dice such as snakes and ladders or bingo


Year 1 Tricky words to practise reading and spelling




Autumn 1 topics:


























Move with Maths Supermovers activities! Maths and Dance?

Switch on the glitterball! Keeeeep Moving!






