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Lawns Park

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Year 6

Page last updated 3.10.24


Year 6 News & Dates

Homework will be set this week, as usual!


We had two fantastic WWII Experience Days with our ARP Officer, Rob and in our 1940s School Room with Mr Stoneheart. Have a look at our gallery at the bottom of the page to see what we did! And here's Class 6 from 1940.


Come to our Sharing Assembly on Friday 18th October at 9AM to find out more about our learning in this topic.


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DATES & Learning Information:


Homework and three reads should be handed in on Tuesdays.

New homework is set on a Thursday.


Friday 11th October PM: Y6 Robotics Afternoon.



The topics for Autumn 1 for the new Year 6 are: World War II - Life as an evacuee.

English: Letter and Diary writing. Class text: Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian.

Science: Living things in their Habitats.

Geography - WWII nations of the Allies and Axis, as well as revisiting the countries and studying the counties of the UK.


Every day, pupils will need:

- Clear, reusable water bottle

- Book Bag

- PE kit should now be worn for school on Tuesdays. This is the usual school kit of plain white T-shirt and dark shorts or plain dark leggings. Pupils may wear their school jumper or a plain dark hoodie.

All pupils have a bookband reading book which also comes home daily. Please read three times per week for at least 15 minutes on different days.

Library books come home on Fridays.

Pupils may bring a fresh fruit snack to eat at break. No other snacks please.

If your child brings a mobile phone to school, it must be switched off in the school grounds and put in our safe place in the classroom.



Bombings took place frequently in the night during 1940, resulting in many Air Raid Precautions, such as the blackout.







The person who wins this award shows extra dedication, incredible patience and perseverance and a drive to become a more independent learner. 


Autumn 1 - ?



Handwriting Award



The following pupils have met the grade and achieved their Year 6 Pen Licence:








Homework goes out on a Thursday to be handed in (with your 3 reads) the following Tuesday morning.


Spellings A1 WK5


Spellings A1 WK4





Spellings to always be learning:



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Stretch your learning with MathsWatch video tutorials.

Search for:

number operations and place values

1) Watch the video.

2) Answer the questions. Mark with the tutor.

Try the extensions if you need more challenge.




See the learning links section at the bottom of this page for more activities.


📖 Reading 📚

Please keep your Reading Record up to date.
In Key Stage 2, Three Reads is part of weekly Thursday to Tuesday Homework.



































