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Year 6

Page last updated 18.7.24


Year 6 News & Dates - Plus information for the New Year 6 Pupils!

The Final Week in Y6!

Fri: Leavers assembly @ 2PM. Please wear school uniform or your hoodie.

Y6 will continue collecting autographs, printing pics, helping around school, doing good deeds and saying goodbye to all their friends and former teachers.


We will send a Schoop telling you how to access the Leavers Presentation and tho Disco and Whitby pictures.

THE END! :-( Goodbye to our wonderful Year 6!



Year 6! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication!

Your SATs results are superb and we all recognise how hard you worked.

Your family will be equally proud when they see them, and will enjoy reading
your glowing end of year reports.


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DATES & Learning Information:


The topics for Autumn 1 for the new Year 6 are: World War II - Life as an evacuee. Science: Living things in their Habitats.

Geography - WWII nations of the Allies and Axis, as well as revising the countries and counties of the UK.


Every day, pupils will need:

- Clear, reusable water bottle

Book Bag - PE kit should be in a drawstring bag and kept at school.

All pupils have a bookbanded reading book which also comes home daily.

Library books come home on Fridays.

Pupils may bring a fresh fruit snack to eat at break. No other snacks please.











The person who wins this award shows extra dedication, incredible patience and perseverance and a drive to become a more independent learner. 


Autumn 1 - Aaliyah and Harvey

Autumn 2 - Hallie and Vincent

Spring 1 - Tayte and Amena

Spring 2 - Faith and Favour

Summer 1 - Oliver and Tillie-Rose

Summer 2 - Bradley, Kadie, Oliver and Madeline



Handwriting Award



The following pupils have met the grade and achieved their Year 6 Pen Licence:

Charlotte, Hallie, Joe, Sam, Patrick, Oliver, Jacob, Madeline, Aaliyah, Brayden, Ethan, Mel, Aisha







For Year 6 2024-25, the new kids on the block, please find out three interesting facts about WWII - our main topic.




Spellings to be learning:



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MathsWatch video tutorials to try out:

number operations and place values

1) Watch the video.

2) Answer the questions. Mark with the tutor.

Try the extensions if you need more challenge.




See the learning links section at the bottom of this page for more activities.


📖 Reading ðŸ“š

Please keep your Reading Record up to date.
In Key Stage 2, Three Reads is part of weekly Thursday to Tuesday Homework.




































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