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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Lawns Park has an active PTA known as Friends of Lawns Park. We host a variety of events throughout the school year including - discos, family games nights, summer fair, raffles, Christmas market, a secret Santa shop and many more. We regularly raise over £2000 and this money is used to fund many different items to support and enhance your children's learning and experiences in school.



 We need more parents/guardians to get involved as your voice matters. If you would like to offer your services, or you have a fund-raising idea, please do get in touch with Mrs Shackleton via the school office or send us an email to find out more to .


You will also find us on Facebook, please search for the Friends of Lawns Park Primary School.







Mrs Shackleton




Simon Lazenby


      Gemma Hyland


Mr Shackleton

Tracey Lazenby

Miss Hastings






Upcoming meetings:



Wednesday 24th April  - 15:15pm until 16:15pm








We are currently raising funds to help the school update much needed computing equipment. 

We are working on the total needed and will update you. 





