A Message from Miss Ford 1.5.20
Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
Well, we survived another week of lock down together! Another week to go and we might find out if we
can somehow come back to school for the last bit of the Summer Term maybe. However, we have no
idea what that will look like, as we will still have to maintain social distancing. What a challenge! Talking
of challenges, we are setting you two challenges this week to whet your appetites!
The first is a Star Wars Day maths challenge taking place on Monday 4th May designed by Mr Stone,
entitled, “May the fourth be with you”. Look to our Home Learning page on Monday at around 10AM for
an exclusive new Star Wars film: Episode X of the Star Wars Saga and to find out what you have to do!
The second is a challenge to you to learn all the spellings you need to know by the end of the year in
your class. This will be a two week challenge. If you go to onto your class page you will find the spellings from the National Curriculum that you need to learn. There are some fun spelling activities on each class page and on Home Learning too, click on the English icon. If you know all of these spellings then you will be very well prepared for your new class in September.
Don’t forget that you can be practicing your handwriting too whilst you practice your spellings. There is
an excellent programme to help you practice handwriting called “Letter Join”, you will find a link to this
by clicking on the English icon.
For those of you who are receiving e vouchers for food, e vouchers for the next two weeks to cover from 4.5.20 to 15.5.20 should arrive by the beginning of next week.
Some of you received a phone call from school this week and I have to tell you that your teachers
thoroughly enjoyed those conversations, they were laughing and crying too because you are so lovely!
We are so pleased with how many examples of learning have come flying in to our class emails – please keep in touch and keep them coming!
As always, remember the Lawns Park motto “LPPS leads to success”. Percy Vere, our Lawns Park bear says, keep going, keep smiling, you are doing the right thing by staying at home.
Have a great week!
From Miss Ford