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Lawns Park

Primary School

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Message from Miss Ford 19.6.20

Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,


Once more we have seen changes to our lives this week and new announcements. I sincerely hope that this has introduced more freedom and happiness into your lives.

I know there are still many unanswered questions regarding your child’s schooling. We are trying our
best to plan for what September may look like and thinking about what may happen during the Summer
break for our pupils whilst awaiting government guidance. We are working with other schools and the
local authority and we will communicate with you as soon as we can match our plans with guidance
from the government. We also have plans about how we will introduce our pupils to their new teachers
for next year which we will share with you in the near future.

It has been lovely to see some of our Year 1 pupils back again, as well as a few more Key Worker
children this week. As anticipated, we will open a fifth Key Worker Pod next Monday to manage the
gradual increase in demand. Our pupils are amazingly resilient and come into school smiling, they are
embracing the changes they are experiencing and we are trying our best to support and nurture so they
exit with another beaming smile.

Next week sees the return of some of our Foundation Stage 2 pupils. The Foundation Stage 2 Pod Team have been busy preparing their pod and can’t wait to see some of their pupils again.


With the opening of our final key worker pod on Monday the school has now reached capacity because
of safety restrictions and safe distancing. Please ring us if you are a key worker and you need a school
place as we do have some flexibility in our final pod.


We have thoroughly enjoyed creating pyjamas for Miss Pashley in school and we can see that our
children at home have had a great deal of fun with this challenge too. Well done Levi in Year 5 for
designing the amazing pyjamas for Miss Pashley. We are eagerly awaiting the teddy in these award
winning pyjamas, which are currently being stitched by Mrs Brook, our very own Sewing Bee Champion!


Please remember that home learning will still be assigned via the two-weekly timetable with its
additional learning challenges. Foundation Stage pupils will receive their usual Learning Journey
recommendations. We love receiving your pictures of home learning, so please keep sending your pictures related to the themes, challenges or the work set on the timetables and web pages.


As always you and your children continue to stay resilient and learning under very unusual and difficult
circumstances. We admire and appreciate you.

Remember we are here to help, please call us.

Keep smiling and stay healthy, happy and resilient!
From Miss Ford
