Phased re opening of school for Y6 Y1 F2 F1 wb8.6.20
Hello everyone,
We know that a lot of you are feeling uncertain about what to do about returning your children to school from 1st June. Of course, this all hangs on whether the country has met the five tests, which we will find out 28.5.20. However, the school would like to assure you of some key things to help you with your decision making. We would also ask that you read this alongside the letter written to all parents and carers in Leeds from the local authority which states that each school is different and may be organizing phased return in different ways to keep their children and staff safe. The letter supports the leadership of each school with the unique arrangements they make (click on the link at the bottom of this letter). Our key messages to you at this moment are:
- Everything we do is based on keeping your children & our staff physically and emotionally safe.
- The school will not be open to Y6 Y1 F2 or F1 wb1.6.20
- The school will be open to Key Worker children wb1.6.20
- The school will use wb 1.6.20 to prepare for return of key year groups
- The school will open wb 8.6.20 with every possible safety measure in place given latest government announcement 28.5.20 based on latest science.
- The school will gradually phase in each year group starting with Y6, to Y1 to F2 week by week
- The school will not be opening for F1 children in the final summer term.
- The school will send out a detailed plan of routines & arrangements for each class at the beginning of wb1.6.20, asking for a firm commitment to either send your child to school or informing us that you do not wish to send your child.
We know this is short & to the point, but we know you need answers. We know that things change from week to week and we know that it doesn’t make sense to give you too much detail now, that we then have to change in June.
If you have any questions, then please telephone us & we will try our best to help you.