Message from Miss Ford 5.6.20
Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
It seems like a long time since I last wrote to you, I do hope that you are all keeping well and that you
are finding lots of opportunities to laugh and smile.
We have had a very busy week in school preparing for those of you who are coming back starting from
next week. The classrooms do look very bare at the moment but we have to do this to keep you and our staff safe. Besides, it’s the people in them that count and you and my teachers will keep the rooms
vibrant places, buzzing with learning and laughter.
Those of you who are coming to school, please make sure you have read the communication sent
through Schoop and make sure you have given us the vital details we need to keep you and your child
safe. We look forward to seeing you. Miss Pashley and I will be on the gates to help you with the new
entry system we have created.
For those of you who are learning at home, our teachers are still busy preparing the timetable of
activities for you. Each week there will be a new theme to keep you hooked, so please regularly refer to
the home learning page under the Children section. We still love receiving your emails showcasing the
amazing learning that you are doing at home. Thank you, parents for keeping going with this, we know it is challenging in the midst of everything else you have to do.
We have noticed that not all the children in our classes are sending in emails to celebrate their learning
with us and we just want to make sure that you are ok and help you if you are experiencing problems.
We will be giving you a call next week, just to see if we can offer you support with our Lawns Park homelearning.
Remember we are here to help, please call us.
Keep smiling and stay healthy and happy.
From Miss Ford