School Re opening Letter From Miss Ford
Dear parents/carers,
Re: possible reopening of school to more pupils in June
We know you’ve seen in the news that schools may reopen on 1 June to reception, year 1 and year 6
pupils if the government thinks it’s safe then. We’re waiting for further guidance and clarification from the government right now, which will hopefully help us create an action plan for our phased reopening. We’ll share this with you as soon as possible so you know what the school’s reopening will look like in practice.
It’s a very unsettling time for us all, but rest assured that we’re going to be doing everything we can to
make sure we’re ready to receive these year groups if it’s safe for our school to reopen in the coming
However, we’re also not going to be pressuring anyone to send their children to school, since you know
your children and personal situation best. We’ll keep you updated with all our preparations for making sure the school is as safe as possible, so you can make an informed decision.
In the meantime, the school is still open only for vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers. We know some employers will be encouraging you to return to work, but we’re not in a position right now to extend places to other children until we receive further government guidance.
We’d like to thank you for your continuous support in helping your child learn from home. We’ll need to
keep going with this for a while yet, so please do continue to do what you can and stay in touch with us
about how your child is doing.
If you have any questions, please contact school on 0113 2637364
Miss Ford