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Lawns Park

Primary School

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We are Music Champions!

We are Music Champions!

If you keep an eye on the bottom of our home page you will see that we have a new badge, we are
This is more than just a badge for us, we are a singing school and a musical school. It lifts our spirits and keeps us bonded as a community.
We received this prestigious accolade in July 2020, one of the select few from all the schools in Leeds!


The judges said this about us:
“We were very impressed with the range of musical experiences and opportunities you provide for your
students both in and outside of school”
“We’d particularly like to thank you for the way in which you have continued to care for and support your
pupils’ musical learning during this incredibly challenging term and wish you all the best on their return
to school in September”.

Even now, with the restrictions of covid we are finding safe ways to sing, including singing through
signing! We never give up!
Thank you to all our bright, happy singing pupils and our talented staff who made this possible for us
and in the words of a well-known song……
“Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing, thanks for all the joy they’re bringing”
