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Lawns Park

Primary School

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  • Message from Miss Ford 10.7.20

    Fri 10 Jul 2020
    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    This is a final letter from me to you this year. I am sure that just like me you will be thinking, “and what a
    year!” Usually at this time of year we are participating in sports days, enjoying time with families at the
    school fair, preparing final shows and celebrations and saying goodbye to our fabulous Year 6 students.
    What we have done instead is work together creatively and in a completely different way to still do
    most of these things and lots more besides. Just cast your minds back over the last few months and
    think about all the new or different things you have done.
    I have spoken to lots of parents, children and staff and they all say the same thing, we can’t wait to get
    back to normal in September. It won’t be exactly the same, but we will all be together again, and I can’t
    wait. I am looking forward to seeing all your faces and feeling the learning buzz around school again. Our first day back is Tuesday 7th September. We are expecting to see you smart and proud in your school uniform.
    As yet we have not received the updated version of the risk assessment from the local authority and so
    we are not in a position to give you any further details about what our arrangements are for September.
    Please bear with us and we will write to you with our plan as soon as we can.
    You will be able to meet your new teacher next week and we are really looking forward to that. You will
    already have received a schoop telling you what group your child is in, the time, date and gate. An
    overview of the arrangements for the week are on the website in the Newsletters section. Please make
    sure that you arrive at the right time and enter and exit through the correct gate. This is so that we can
    avoid gatherings and maintain social distancing to keep you and your children safe.
    Before I sign off, I would like to thank all the parents and carers out there who have worked so hard to
    keep their children safe and learning at home through all of this. I take my hat off to every one of you. I
    would also like to share with you my gratitude to all the staff at Lawns Park who have worked tirelessly
    throughout lockdown to keep the learning and childcare going for our children at home or in school.
    Of course, I would like to say an enormous thank you to all the Lawns Park children who have shown
    great Lawns Park spirit in the face of adversity! You are all amazing. It is at this point all pupils shake
    hands with me and make a deal to enjoy our summer break, take good care of ourselves and come back in one piece in September.
    Please call us if you are unsure about anything and we will try to help.
    So, for the last time this year, keep smiling and stay safe!
    From Miss Ford
  • Message from Miss Ford 3.7.20

    Fri 03 Jul 2020

    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    Another week has gone by and some of you may be looking forward to visiting a restaurant or pub this
    weekend? That will feel strange.
    You will now have an idea of when your child will be meeting their new teacher and what the final
    arrangements are from the letter you received on Thursday. It all seems very regimented I know but it is
    the only way to keep you, your children and my staff safe.
    Usually at this time of year we would be competing in the Lawns Park Sports Day activities.
    Unfortunately, we can’t all participate in one place together, but we can have a virtual sports day on
    Wednesday July 8th, which would have been our Sports Day. Please check the PE and Sports Blog on the PE and Sports Premium page on the drop-down tab under “Key Information” on our website for details of this event. Get involved, stay active and get fit at the same time!
    The government have just released further guidance about coming back to school in September. Please see the link below or go to our Parents webpage for useful links:


    All being well we will all be back together again in September which is great news! There will still be
    some restrictions to keep us safe. The intention is that each class of 30 will be treated as a pod or bubble meaning that different classes cannot mix altogether at playtimes, lunchtimes or assemblies for
    instance. I think that we will also be looking at staggered starting and finishing times to the day too.
    We will be working as hard as we can to organise routines and spaces in school so that we comply with
    government guidance and the risk assessment from our Local Education Authority. As soon as we have
    more details, we will inform you.
    The children I have seen, seem to have grown very quickly, so you might have to start thinking about
    uniform and shoes ready for a September start. Don’t forget that you can order school uniform from our
    online uniform shop by clicking on the parents’ page
    You may also be interested to read the latest letter to parents and carers from the Director of Children
    and Families for Leeds, updating you on the current situation for schools and thanking you again for the
    challenging but fabulous job you are doing at home with your children. This is on our website in the
    news and events section in newsletters.
    Please keep sending your pictures related to the themes and any sports day activities, challenges or the work set on the timetables and web pages, we really enjoy seeing what you are up to because we are missing you. Your new teachers can’t wait to read your letters so please remember to send them in
    using the email address that you usually use and we will forward them to your new teacher.
    Remember we are here to help, please call us.
    Keep smiling and stay healthy, active and show Mr Brown what you can do!
    From Miss Ford
