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Lawns Park

Primary School

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  • Message from Miss Ford 22.5.20

    Fri 22 May 2020
    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    I hope that you are all happy, healthy and possibly quite hairy too by now! If the government continues
    with the plan to return schools in June then we might actually see some of you soon. Although things at
    Lawns Park will look and feel very different, it will be lovely to meet again after all this time.
    If you haven’t already, please read the letter I sent yesterday outlining our plan to open gradually from
    8.6.20, if the government’s position remains the same. Please could you also read the letter from
    Director of Children and Families addressed to all parents and carers in Leeds. It thanks you for the
    amazing and difficult job you are doing and I second that wholeheartedly. It also makes it clear that each school will open up in a different way because each school will have to respond to the local authority risk assessment based on its size, staffing and school community and that the local authority supports this. On 1st June we will be asking you for a firm decision about whether you want to send your child to school or not.
    Today our Bake Off winners are coming to collect their prizes donated by the local Co op, staggered of
    course, to avoid a mass Bake Off gathering! The winner of the teacher Bake Off and the overall pupil
    winner will also be given a surprise hamper to donate to someone in our community who might really
    appreciate it in these strange and challenging times.
    I have to inform you as parents and carers that OFSTED have written to me to say that our OFSTED
    report is now official and will be published on their website 27.6.20.
    Next week is half term, so there will be no timetable for you until wb 1.6.20. This will appear on Schoop
    and on our website.
    Finally, I hope that you have a fabulous bank holiday weekend and a great half term in the sun, hopefully!
    Keep smiling and stay healthy and happy.
    From Miss Ford
  • Phased re opening of school for Y6 Y1 F2 F1 wb8.6.20

    Thu 21 May 2020

    Hello everyone,

    We know that a lot of you are feeling uncertain about what to do about returning your children to school from 1st June. Of course, this all hangs on whether the country has met the five tests, which we will find out 28.5.20. However, the school would like to assure you of some key things to help you with your decision making. We would also ask that you read this alongside the letter written to all parents and carers in Leeds from the local authority which states that each school is different and may be organizing phased return in different ways to keep their children and staff safe. The letter supports the leadership of each school with the unique arrangements they make (click on the link at the bottom of this letter). Our key messages to you at this moment are:

    1. Everything we do is based on keeping your children & our staff physically and emotionally safe.
    2. The school will not be open to Y6 Y1 F2 or F1 wb1.6.20
    3. The school will be open to Key Worker children wb1.6.20
    4. The school will use wb 1.6.20 to prepare for return of key year groups
    5. The school will open wb 8.6.20 with every possible safety measure in place given latest government announcement 28.5.20 based on latest science.
    6. The school will gradually phase in each year group starting with Y6, to Y1 to F2 week by week
    7. The school will not be opening for F1 children in the final summer term.
    8. The school will send out a detailed plan of routines & arrangements for each class at the beginning of wb1.6.20, asking for a firm commitment to either send your child to school or informing us that you do not wish to send your child.

    We know this is short & to the point, but we know you need answers. We know that things change from week to week and we know that it doesn’t make sense to give you too much detail now, that we then have to change in June.

    If you have any questions, then please telephone us & we will try our best to help you.

  • Message from Miss Ford 15.5.20

    Fri 15 May 2020
    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    Well here we are again, things are starting to change. I wonder if you have met someone who is not in
    your household this week?
    You will also know that the government is proposing that Nursery, Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 6 start to return to school. Thank you so much for quickly filling in our survey and thank you for your
    comments too. This has meant that we have a fairly good idea what your thoughts are. A lot of parents
    are saying they would not want to send their child to school because they don’t think it is safe at the
    moment. There is also a feeling of uncertainty from parents who say they need to know more before
    they make a decision.
    Our intension is to communicate a firmer plan with you so that you can make a more informed decision.
    Please be assured that we do want our children to return to school but we will not compromise on the
    safety of our children or our staff. Please continue to support us so that we can get this absolutely right
    for you and your children.
    Thank you so much for your yummy entries to the Lawns Park Bake Off, we will announce the winner
    from each class and an overall winner on Monday. We are working with the local Co op, who will be
    donating some special prizes for our amazing chefs! Please check the homelearning page on Monday to view the delicious entries.
    We hope that you have been able to access the new weekly timetable on your child’s class page and
    that you have found the basic structure simpler to follow. Your class timetable will also appear on
    Schoop next week as well as on the website.
    The timetable indicates what is the school’s expected learning (which should only take between an and
    an hour an a half per day) and then other learning at the bottom of the timetable, which is your choice.
    We appreciate that you are trying your best at home, just keep going and ring us if you need help with
    the timetable.
    Schoop and the website are our main means of communication. If you don’t have Schoop please
    download the app. If you need help to do this please email the school at and we
    can send you some easy to follow instructions. Failing that, contact us by telephone.
    Finally, I hope that you have a fabulous weekend. Keep smiling safely!!
    From Miss Ford
  • School Re opening Letter From Miss Ford

    Tue 12 May 2020

    Dear parents/carers,
    Re: possible reopening of school to more pupils in June
    We know you’ve seen in the news that schools may reopen on 1 June to reception, year 1 and year 6
    pupils if the government thinks it’s safe then. We’re waiting for further guidance and clarification from the government right now, which will hopefully help us create an action plan for our phased reopening. We’ll share this with you as soon as possible so you know what the school’s reopening will look like in practice.
    It’s a very unsettling time for us all, but rest assured that we’re going to be doing everything we can to
    make sure we’re ready to receive these year groups if it’s safe for our school to reopen in the coming
    However, we’re also not going to be pressuring anyone to send their children to school, since you know
    your children and personal situation best. We’ll keep you updated with all our preparations for making sure the school is as safe as possible, so you can make an informed decision.
    In the meantime, the school is still open only for vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers. We know some employers will be encouraging you to return to work, but we’re not in a position right now to extend places to other children until we receive further government guidance.
    We’d like to thank you for your continuous support in helping your child learn from home. We’ll need to
    keep going with this for a while yet, so please do continue to do what you can and stay in touch with us
    about how your child is doing.
    If you have any questions, please contact school on 0113 2637364
    Miss Ford

  • Message from Miss Ford 7.5.20

    Thu 07 May 2020

    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    This letter will be with you on Thursday this week due to the Bank Holiday. By the time you read it
    restrictions may have been relaxed and we might have some idea about how schools will start to open
    Thank you so much for showing your Lawns Park spirit and getting involved in the Star Wars Day maths challenge on Monday, you really did show that Darth Rowlands that Lawns Parkers are NOT weak minded! Please check the Star Wars slide show on the Homelearning page, which shows how creative and hard working you all are!

    We have another challenge for you coming soon…..the Lawns Park Bake Off. Please check the
    homelearning page for details of the Bake Off challenge.

    We have always said that we appreciate how challenging homelearning can be and we also understand
    the difficulties you face with the number and types of devices you have available, as well as the fact that not many people have printers available. We have listened to your feedback and we are proposing a new way of working which we hope will simplify things and reduce expected time spent on

    As of wb11.5.20 you will be able to access the new weekly timetable on your child’s class page. It is
    based on Bitesize and follows the same basic structure each week. Each timetable has a minimum
    requirement of homelearning, which should last from an hour to an hour and a half per day. Pupils can
    then choose to do more using the menu of extra activities at the bottom of the timetable in yellow.
    There will also be a limited selection of topic based activities which are designed to last over a two week period. We will also endeavour to ensure that activities are possible without a printer or can be
    recorded by hand.

    Please don’t forget that next week is the final week of our spellings focus, so keep going learning your
    year group spellings.

    Schoop and the website are our main means of communication. If you don’t have Schoop please
    download the app. If you need help to do this please email the school at and we
    can send you some easy to follow instructions. Failing that, contact us by telephone.

    Finally, I hope that you have a fabulous bank holiday weekend. Please take care of yourselves and others around you.


    From Miss Ford

  • A Message from Miss Ford 1.5.20

    Fri 01 May 2020

    Dear parents, carers and all my Lawns Parkers,
    Well, we survived another week of lock down together! Another week to go and we might find out if we
    can somehow come back to school for the last bit of the Summer Term maybe. However, we have no
    idea what that will look like, as we will still have to maintain social distancing. What a challenge! Talking
    of challenges, we are setting you two challenges this week to whet your appetites!

    The first is a Star Wars Day maths challenge taking place on Monday 4th May designed by Mr Stone,
    entitled, “May the fourth be with you”. Look to our Home Learning page on Monday at around 10AM for
    an exclusive new Star Wars film: Episode X of the Star Wars Saga and to find out what you have to do!

    The second is a challenge to you to learn all the spellings you need to know by the end of the year in
    your class. This will be a two week challenge. If you go to onto your class page you will find the spellings from the National Curriculum that you need to learn. There are some fun spelling activities on each class page and on Home Learning too, click on the English icon. If you know all of these spellings then you will be very well prepared for your new class in September.


    Don’t forget that you can be practicing your handwriting too whilst you practice your spellings. There is
    an excellent programme to help you practice handwriting called “Letter Join”, you will find a link to this
    by clicking on the English icon.

    For those of you who are receiving e vouchers for food, e vouchers for the next two weeks to cover from 4.5.20 to 15.5.20 should arrive by the beginning of next week.

    Some of you received a phone call from school this week and I have to tell you that your teachers
    thoroughly enjoyed those conversations, they were laughing and crying too because you are so lovely!
    We are so pleased with how many examples of learning have come flying in to our class emails – please keep in touch and keep them coming!

    As always, remember the Lawns Park motto “LPPS leads to success”. Percy Vere, our Lawns Park bear says, keep going, keep smiling, you are doing the right thing by staying at home.

    Have a great week!
    From Miss Ford
